I mean, boy and girl relationship is never beyond BFF.. if yes, then she might as well be your truthly love ones. Frankly, outside there's alot girl i would like to meet, somehow I cound'nt really do it.. College for example, so you can see..80% of student there is dominated with guys, 15% boswana girls and only 5% local girls. Thus, its really hard to get GF for a person like me... but well, I not that despo or whatever, i do have 'girl friends' there. Outside, mostly friend are guys.. I had a ''girl friend'' who used to acompany me mostly, but now she flew to US.. I miss you~ sad. Gah.. i duno la, like most of girls i met, slowly fading away... like the starry nights, the girl were the stars, and u could see how fast it blinks away. Anyhow... I duno...what to say...